What Clients Say

  • "I started working with Kristin in order to help gain back some strength and sense of self after having twins, a year ago.  Before working with Kristin, I was struggling with how to manage time in order to get self care, and also was having a hard time with losing baby weight.  Working with Kristin really helped me define my goals and prioritize my time so that I was able to begin taking care of myself and being ok with doing it!  So far I've already began to lose weight, learned much more about how to feed my body properly and really began to understand the value in taking time for myself unapologetically.  Kristin's style really grabbed me.  She has obviously got a ton of life experience to lend to her experience but she is totally professional.  She's empathetic and was so easy to talk to and work with. I would highly recommend her to any mom - new or experienced.  She made my postpartum experience so much calmer and more confident."

    – Nessa

  • "I met Kristin during a pivotal time in my life; discovering my identity as a first time mother and leaving corporate America to follow a new passion. I would look in the mirror and barely recognize the person standing before me. My body looked different. My heart felt different. Postpartum hormones were overwhelming my life and my ability to make positive change. Kristin was exactly what I needed - she asked questions, listened, provided guidance and resources, cried with me, laughed with me and helped me find my own truth: that being a mother was the best thing that ever could have happened to my life. I’m now expecting my second baby, own a thriving business, and feel healthy in my own skin. I will continue to share her services with my birth and postpartum clients because I truly believe that her work is invaluable to every parent."

    Katie, Childbirth Educator and Doula

  • "I attended one of Kristin’s workshops and I lost 5 lbs. I had to start with that in case I lost you with my rambling. Attachment parenting is written in my DNA and when I attended Kristin’s postpartum workshop I was waking up every 2 to 3 hours to nurse my baby, my husband was working around the clock, I was coordinating a remodeling project with a lot of issues and my kindergartener had a very busy social life (some of which I was the lead volunteer). This left me no time for myself, so I thought. At Kristin’s workshop, I filled out a Wheel of Postpartum Health and made a promise to take better care of myself. The catch… Kristin held me accountable to keep my promise by committing to mail that card to me in 30 days. If you’re like me, you do not break promises. I told myself I’d take better care of my health and I wanted to lose 5 lbs. Luckily, I had 30 days so I could do it the healthy way. Kristin sent us home with a Self Care Bingo card which I clipped onto our family calendar by the back door. It seems so simple, but this card was a constant reminder to take simple steps to be stronger and healthier for myself so I would have the energy to take care of my family. Needless to say, once my card arrived in the mail, I had lost 5 lbs just by taking some small steps throughout my day to take care of myself. And since her workshop, I am happy to say that I have now lost 15 lbs and I have more energy to chase my now busy toddler! Thanks, Kristin!"

    – Deb

  • "Becoming a parent is like having a bank account, most days we spend and stretch ourselves but we aren’t replenishing our funds on a regular basis. I wish I had someone like Kristin who was there for the areas of my life that got depleted during the pregnancy journey. I am a healthcare professional but I am also a mom. As a healthcare professional I know there are a plethora of products, services, information, research for a women during the pregnancy phase. But there is a real gap of concrete actionable and effective solutions for the post partum phase. If you google “post partum” the top results are all about post partum depression but most women experience various emotional and physical needs that can’t fit into the confines of a research paper. Science says it takes 6 weeks for a women’s body to return to “pre pregnancy state”. If you’ve given birth, I doubt any women would say they felt normal after 6 weeks. As a mom, I distinctly remember that “drop” that occurred after my 6 week post partum check in. No more doctors, no more regular interactions with healthcare professionals. Everyone was all of a sudden gone and I had to take care of myself BY myself. The health care system is not designed to provide holistic comprehensive support to women beyond the first few weeks of post partum. At that 6 week drop off, I also felt alone, scared and confused about what my new identity as a professional, wife and mother would be. I wish I had sought someone like Kristin at that time. Her services bring the bank account back to full. As a healthcare professional, I see the gaps. As a mom, I experienced the gaps. If anything in my story resonates with you, you should work with Kristin. You won’t regret it."

    M.N. Healthcare Executive